Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Why are relationships so complicated? Why do we think it is easier to distance ourselves from those we care about ? The answer is for self-preservation’s sake.
From this blog’s prospective, the fear of heart break is understandable, but don’t forget - safe-guarding yourself comes at a cost. You will miss the good stuff.

What will you miss? Let’s see:
A connection to someone else.
Being loved and loving in return.
Being a part of something outside of you, perhaps you can learn and grow by encountering a differing prospective.
A potential sense of family, if the relationship progresses that far.

But here’s the rub; your relationship never will manifest unless you can succumb to it. I’m not advocating to be your relationship and nothing else – god no. But just enjoy it.
Relax, let your fear go. Enjoy the person you want to spend time with for who they are. Perhaps, you’ll bring out the best in each other; perhaps you’ll learn something new; perhaps, just perhaps you’ll find yourself smiling and suddenly, realize you are actually happy.

The Ride Today
Heart sinks, insides flutter 
As time pushes on 
The end is no closer 
Inhale and breathe in 

Fear creeps, intimacy frays
Message will be lost 
Amidst a wondering gaze 
Inhale and breathe in 

Crave adoration, fulfilling insecurities
Look back, twinge momentarily  
Doubt the sustainable possibilities
Inhale and breathe in 

Enlightened conversation, connection restored
As inroads are made 
Guarded tensions finally ignored 
Inhale and breathe in 

Request confirmation, need guarantees
Fear abides mysterious ways 
Quietly assessing my capabilities 
Inhale and breathe in

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