Thursday, December 17, 2009

When Relationships Evolve

Relationships evolve over time; you will naturally develop a deeper sense of loyalty, commitment or emotions for those we care about it. Be it a long-standing friendship, a work colleague, or even a new romance; relationships are never static.

When you find yourself consumed by these emotions, they can be very powerful. How these emotions are expressed can happen one of two ways.

Option (a) - the sense of emotion can be intimidating and therefore, you choose to keep them inward - to yourself. Or,
Option (b) - you feel compelled to share it with "said" person and therefore do.

For some reason, I always choose option (b). Even though, option (a) has shot its hand into the air like a first-grade know-it-all and screams "pick me, pick me!!"
I never do.
No, I always choose to share everything and I've learned to convince myself "this information is for the good of the other person."

It never occurs to me most people do not think like this and when given the chance will choose option (a) in a heartbeat.
Why you ask?
I would answer option (a) automatically becomes the favorite out of fear, yes that is exactly it: fear of rejection, fear of commitment, and fear of whatever insecurity. Take your pick . . . but the end result will always be fear.

Some people find this trait of mine admirable and others are simply baffled. Either way, as relationships do manifest themselves into closer, more intimate friendships or romances, if you do choose to share your feelings, please do not forget the sentiment may not always be returned.

Peeling layers delving deep
Reading intricacies' tiniest detail
Winding labyrinthine obstacles reap
Reassuring gazes' rejections fail
Yielding passions slowly creeps
Confessing affections impulse fumbles
Underestimating reluctance harshness leaps
Relapsing stable security crumbles

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